El desarrollo de la industria del petróleo y el cambio climático, en Ciencia compartida

09 Noviembre 2014

Erik_DalhuijsenEste miércoles, 12 de noviembre Erik Dalhuijsen (Principal Production Technologist, OceanValley Ltd Director, Aberdeen Climate Action Ltd) nos ofrece una charla en Ciencia compartida. Será a las 12:30 en la Sala de grado de la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar.

Petroleum Development and Climate Change: Risk of Being a Host Country (Desarrollo del petróleo y el cambio climático: el riesgo de ser un país anfitrión).

Description: A petroleum expert's view on risks and benefits of oil exploration today in Canarias, considering the climate change facts.

The talk starts with an overview of the total petroleum development process, from exploration to post-abandonment, indicating some important risks and benefits for each, from a petroleum industry and a personal perspective. Then there is a part of the talk about the agreed facts of climate change, and what this means for us all. The end of the talk brings together these two sections in a summary.


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